Privacy Policy
Hautopart ("Hautopart" "us" "we." or "our?is commimed to peotecfing the prhacy of the umem (user". "you" or"your? ot its wreb site ("Sne7. Hautopart Privacy Policy Is designed to assist you in understanding how we coliect. use and safeguand the infornation you peovidie to us and in maicing intormed decisions when using our Site. This Pivac Policy wil be continuously assetsed against new technoingies and business pracfices. This Prhacy Poicy applies to this Ste and govems data collection and usage at this Site. it hat data protection laws that may not be consistent aith those of other countries. fy using this She you consent to the processing of data about you in the manner and for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. Please read it in its entirety.
We may employ cooikle technology to store and sometimes track information about the users of the Sihe. Cookies are a feature of web browser software that allows web servers to recoonire the computer used to access a web site. Coolies are emall pieces cf data that are ttiored ty a user's web browser on the uter's hard drive. Cookies can remember what information a user accesses on one web page to simpify subonguent interactions with that web ste by tme same user or to use the information to streamiine the user's transactions on related web pages. Most web browsers automatically acoept cooiies, but you can change your browrser to prevent the browser from accapting cookles.
We may use web beacons (smal pieces of data that are ambedided in images on the pages of web sites) and auditing softsare to track page views and entry and exlt points to and from the Site. In addition we may use web beacoms. cooitins. caatomiand irks andior simiar techroiogies to determine uhether electronic nevensletters or other information sent by us to those who have requested them from us heve been opened and ahich Iris are cicied. Any data collected wil only be used in an aggregate form and will not contain any Personal information. as that term is definod beiom.
Portiont of this Site use the Gioogie AcWonds remaleting senáce to adhvertise on third party mebsites (indluding Google) to preiout vititort to cur Site. At a result, we might advertihe to previout viaitors who havent completed a task on nur She (for euample uting the contaet form to maile an inquiy),. Thit adverfiting activity could be in the fom of an adlvertisement on the Gongie search retuls page, or a site in the Googie Diapiay Netaork. Thind garty vendors,. including Googla, ute cookias to sarve ads hasad on someone's past visits to out Site. Any data cnllected mil be unad in accortiance with this Priuacy Policy and Google's privacy poicy.
Uvers can tum off cookies to avoid AdWonds and stil be abie to use the nortions of the Site that use Google AdlVonds.
Some portions of the website do not offer a "Do net tradk" option.
The e-ttore portion of the Site requires coolies to be enabiett otharwise the Site will not aork for you. Thare is no altemative to haing cookies enabled. Without cookcies ensbied, the Site will not function properdy or be etfective. For esampie. cooikiet are naediet uhen uters adt an irem to their shopping cart, cookies ramember what prodiuct wat added untll the user checis out.
Tirough the use of coolie technology or otherwise. we may truck and collect informatfion about your computer and softmare ahen you vist this Ste. This information may Include: () your tP addresc: (i) domain senvec Die type of computer: (0 type of sab trounec () acoms tiemec and (i) refering web sites addvesses (collectihely "Traffic Datu"). Traffic Data is anonymous infotmation that does not personaly identily you. Traffie Duta amsists us to design and amange our web pages in the user friendliest marner and to continually improve our Site to better meet the noeds of uners.
In order for you to acceis certain portions of our Site andler participate in cartain onine activities. we may regare you to provide ut with information that penonaly idenifes youi, such as your name. malling address. e mal address and home andior business trieghone nambers ("Personal information").if you communicate with us by e mai or otherwise complete online forms or the lile. ary information provided in such caremarication may be colected as Pesonal information
You may choose not to provide ut with arny Personal infomation. in such an mant you can sil access and une much of the Site. You, however, wil not be able to access or ute
thote portions of the Site or participate in onine activities that require your feronaf irfornation
When you participate in onilne activties at the Site you may be subject to atiditional terms and conditiors. Making purchases from the Site.
IH you wih to place an order from the Sita. you will be requined to provide Punonal infonmation (name. addnens, amal address telephone nunber is not required). You may choose not to provide your Personal infurmation to regiter or check cut an a gunt. Ey not providing personal information the purchase carnot be completed. You may stil use the Site to browse product sulection. prioe and avallabilty.
Your IP Address and Location
lly vaing our website. you (the viaitor) apre to aliow thind parties to procams your tiP adinesn. in order to determine your location for the purpose of curency corwersion. You ahto agree to have that curenty stored in a sension cookie in yuur trowser ta temporary cookie whict gets mtomatically semoved when you close your browser). We do this in order for the selected cutrency to semain selected and corsitent when brcening our welste so that the pricm can corvert to your the vihitorj local currency.
In order for your website to be GDPr complant when wsing our aup you mast add ioogyfpente) the foliouing terms to your website's hivacy Policy:
Ixcept as otherwise pruvided in this Privecy Policy. me wil kesp your Fersonal trfiormation prirate and mil not share it with third parties. unlens sucr discdosure is necessary to: (a) comply with the law or legal proorms served on ux: (ij pruvide you the products asdior information that you may have requestet. (o prutect cur rights or property. (d) enforca our rights: (e) protect the interest of users of the Site. other than yoa. or any other persons lf operate or condutt mairtenance and repair of our eguiprment and/or (g) detect prevent andi/or otherwise adidress fraud, secuity or tecinical issues, as authoriaed by lan.
In general, we wil use Personal information only for the pupose for whith suth information was provided to as. Wie may aiso use Personai information to contact you when lecessary or to send you information about ui. indiuding information reiuted to our prodactti. programs or promotional activities. indluting saies or specials at the Sanel Auto Parts retal or oniline stores.
If you subscribe to ary pubications of Mautopart. incliuding newsiettertt. we will use your e-mai asdrens to send these pubicatsions to you. You may opt-out of receiving future comrunications from Tespius by following the instructions set forth in the cot-out section beioe
We may alto share your Personal information with thid parties tiat pruvide senioes to Mavtapart tfor esampie. handing and deflvering of e-mal cormwmurécations and publicationt, Incuding newsiettertsi. and weo ste horing senvicen as reasonstiy neornary toe tmem to prouide thone senices Senice providers of Tesplus who have access to Personai information, however, are reouired to protect this infornasion in a manner tiut is conatent saith mis Prvacy Policy and not to use it for ary purpose other than to carn out the services they are perfoming for Mautopart
We may use Tratic Data to anajze trends, aóininister the Site, track uner's mouamaent, and gather broat semognphik informafion for aggregate use. We may provide Traffc Dota and/or other aggregate non personaty identfyjing inftormation to third parfies.
Notwitvstanding the foregoing. we may transtec, seli or assign irfoemation conceming this Site ant your une of thés Site.inciuding without fintation, Personal information, to third parties, as a resut of the sale, merger, consolidation, change in control trandfer of substantial assets reonganization or liguidation of Mautopart.
If you use a blog, bulletin boand, chat room or simãar fonuam, if any, on this Sihe you shouhd be anare that any Pemonal Infomution you tubmit there can be read, colacted, or uted by other uters of these fonums, and coudd be uned to send yotu umolicited mensages. Wie are not rmpornibie for the Personal information you choose to subtmit in thete forums.
The Site has security measures in place intended to protect the ions.misse and aiteration of the information under our control. We sil take reasonatle steps to safeguard
Personal Information we collect from unauthorized acceis or diucouure and accidental lons or ateution.
Unfortunately, no data tranamition cvar the Intermat or method of elactronic storaoe can be cuarantsed to be too secure.As a rauult whle we strive to protact your Personsl Information, we cannot antute or warrant the security of ary informafion you tranamit to us or firom cur Siae, and you do so at your cun risk. Once we recaive your tranumistion, we make reasonable efforts to ensure security on our systems.
We may change our Privacy Policy at any time by updating this posting. Changes to our Privacy Policy will be effective when posted. We also will post a notice on the homepage of our Site for a period of 30 days from the posting of the revised Privacy Policy, indicating that our Privacy Policy has changed. If at any point we decide to use Personal Information in a manner different from that stated at the time it was collected, those changes likewise will be included in an updated posting of this Privacy Policy with a corresponding 30 day posting of a notice of the revised Privacy Policy. In addition, with regard to changes in the way we use Personal Information, we will send an email to users of the Site who have provided us with an email address, notifying them of such changes.
We are committed to protecting the on-line privacy of children. In accordance with the Children's On-line Privacy Protection Act, we will not knowingly collect any personally identifiable information from or provide any services to children under the age of 13.
By using the Site, you signify your assent to our Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, please do not use our Site. Your continued use of this Site following posting of changes to these terms will mean you accept those changes.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding our Privacy Policy or any questions about the security at our Site, you can send an email to